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EUR 390,- | Europas aktivstes Triathlon Forum - Einzelnen Beitrag anzeigen - Langstreckenschwimmen: Fenix 5 vs. FR 935
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Alt 03.07.2018, 19:18   #12
Benutzerbild von stevo
Registriert seit: 16.05.2011
Beiträge: 389
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Die Fenix 5 soll ja etwas schlechtere GPS-Leistungen als die 935 haben, macht sich das irgendwie im Freiwasser bemerkbar? Generell ist GPS im Freiwasser ja immer etwas problematisch, aber gibt es hier evtl. noch Unterschiede?
Laut DCRainmaker gibt es hinsichtlich der Genauigkeit im Freiwasser bei den neuesten GPS-Uhren (hier im Beispiel die Fenix5+ und die Suunto 9) leider keine Fortschritte, sondern eher das Gegenteil. Als Referenz nutzte er eine FR935, die er in einer Schwimmboje hinter sich herzog.
Zitat von DCRainmaker
DC Rainmaker
July 1, 2018 at 5:16 am #272

Yeah, unfortunately I doubt the market is big enough.What’s odd to me is that while OW swimming GPS was never the most perfect thing on earth for any vendor, both Garmin and Suunto did well enough that I’d usually consider it a ‘roughly accurate’ representation of where I swam. Shruggable, but good enough for Strava (which is really all it’s useful for).

But with the Spartan series, Suunto lost the OW swim accuracy lead they’d had (I’d used to look at the Ambit tracks as the best OW swim tracks out there). Garmin was of course first to do OW swim tracks years ago, and had steadily improved over time, again, to the point where it was a ‘known OK’. Not spectacular, but usually OK with some basic tips (like starting with the watch above the water for a few seconds, and doing the same at the end).

But Friday’s swim was such a disaster in so many ways for both units. They failed to properly track where I was going on a map (both, horribly, F5+ worse), failed to track distance while I was actively swimming (F5+), failed to stop counting distance when I stopped (both), and failed to start/end in anymore remotely near the space spot (S9).

I know, still gotta edit the video…
DC Rainmaker
July 2, 2018 at 4:07 pm #273

For those following along at home, finally got that video uploaded about the swim fiasco: link to
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