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Triathlon Coaching
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Alt 30.05.2008, 12:05   #9
Bunte-Tussi des Triathlon
Benutzerbild von dude
Registriert seit: 07.03.2007
Ort: NYC
Beiträge: 19.015
Naja, eigentlich ist der Sattel da gar nicht drin:

"... took on a stop sign at the bottom of Ochs during 3-state while going full tilt. He has no recollection of how things transpired, but somehow the saddle ripped off the rails and the rails decided to find their way into his calf. Ouch! He's had two re-constructive surgeries on his calf and lost about 30% of the calf. The doc said that it would grow back in 3 months Apparently the stop sign fold over in half after he hit it. "
@ulif | GFNY
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